
Initiation of the Dance Open Award in 2010 aroused an interest of many key figures of the ballet world. Fundamental principle of the international jury — objectiveness and uninvolvement. During Gala of international ballet stars Dance Open the real level of dancers is being judged, not their potential or past endeavors. Dance Open Award means estimation by respected figures from the ballet world, that’s why it is so appreciated by professionals.

Over the years the Award gained doubtless prestige in world’s ballet society. First of all thanks to the authority of the jury members. It is comprised of representatives of different choreographic schools — academism and avant-garde, leaders of classical and contemporary ballet companies, ballet legends and revolutionists, who changed the concept of the dance itself...

Jury of the Dance Open Award is truly international. Most renowned and respected figures from Germany, France, Netherlands, USA, Great Britain, Austria, Slovenia, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Slovakia, Italy and Hugary come to St. Petersburg for the awarding. Representatives of Russian theatres — Bolshoi Ballet, Mariinsky theatre, Stanislavski and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Academic Music Theatre and Eifman Ballet — annually leave couple of days free to participate in the jury work.

The festival is proud, that once participating in the jury work, masters of contemporary ballet become friends of Dance Open. For instance, the decision to bring a unique choreographic programme came to Hans van Manen during his work at the Award in 2013, and Manuel Legris planned Vienna State Ballet’s tour in St. Petersburg while taking part in jury sessions in 2014.


Hans van Manen

Ted Brandsen

Krzysztof Pastor

Irina Chernomurova

Christian Spuck

Viacheslav Samodurov

Antonio Najarro

Andrian Fadeev

Akram Khan

Tobias Ehinger

Mauro de Candia


Hans van Manen

Ted Brandsen

Christian Spuck

Boris Eifman

Irina Chernomurova

Edward Clug

Eric Gauthier

Alexey Miroshnichenko


Hans van Manen

Boris Eifman

Manuel Legris

Dwight Rhoden

Thierry Malandain

Ted Brandsen

Vladimir Malakhov

Galina Stepanenko

Yuri Fateev

Igor Zelensky


Natalia Makarova

Hans Van Manen

Kevin O'hare

Boris Eifman

David Dawson

Igor Zelensky

Edward Clug

Aaron S. Watkin

Vladimir Malakhov

Yuri Fateev

Yuri Possokhov

Galina Stepanenko

Denis Matvienko


Natalia Makarova

Boris Eifman

Wayne Eagling

Krzysztof Pastor

Kevin O'hare

Arthur Mitchell

Vladimir Malakhov

Sergei Filin

Kenneth Greve


Natalia Makarova

John Neumeier

Vlastimil Harapes

Kevin Mckenzie

Ted Brandsen

Reid Anderson

Ivan Lishka

Altynay Asylmuratova

Vladimir Malakhov

Sergei Filin

Olga Guardia de Smoak


Natalia Makarova

Ivan Nagy

John Neumeier

Boris Eifman

Vladimir Malakhov

Ivan Lishka

Yuri Fateev

Carla Fracci

Altynay Asylmuratova

Angel Corella

Yuri Burlaka

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