World ballet stars


Believe it or not, famous fashion designers spend the whole year working on a new collection—dreaming up designs, seeking out patterns, choosing fabrics, sewing, fitting, matching, etc. And all of that goes on in conditions of absolute secrecy. Nobody sees the results of all that work right up until the moment it’s presented to the public on the catwalk. What is more, in contrast with the modern logic that requires maximum transparency and information, the items in the new collection are all bought up long before the show.

How is that possible? Only with unconditional trust in the designer based on years of experience and absolute faith that the results won’t disappoint and it’s worth the delay in satisfaction.

The Dance Open Gala of World Ballet Stars is a very similar kind of limited edition, but with real, living movement for material. Here you’ll find the brightest stars at the peak of their careers and the height of their creativity assembled with a designer’s care. There’s perfection in every movement. It’s haute couture.

The programme for the Dance Open gala is the product of long and meticulous searching, hundreds of performances watched, creative debates, calls and negotiations. This unique choreographic catwalk is worked on endlessly, day and night, summer and winter. All so that the last evening of the festival not only lives up to but surpasses audience expectations, and once a year St. Petersburg gets to see the very best of what is, was, and will be in international ballet.

Dance Open is a unique ballet forum. The Gala gives an opportunity to estimate the level of leading dancers of the world.


Putting emphasis on the unlimited opportunities of a Gala as of a stage form, Dance Open festival succeeded to turn usual mosaic divertissement into an ideal “golden puzzle”.


Dance Open Gala allows to go beyond the time and space limits, to be impressed with the most memorable experiences of the ballet history and the most radical futuristic experiments.


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All rights reserved.
Association «Dance Open festival».

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