Ballet in 2 acts
Premiere in Russia

Choreography: Jeroen Verbruggen
Music: Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Alexandrinsky Theatre

April 13, 2018

The Nutcracker is a winter fairy tale. The Nutcracker is a tale for kids. How does it fit with the values of the Dance Open festival, and what’s it doing on a St. Petersburg stage in April?

Well, the thing is, The Nutcracker is an immortal fairy tale. And, like all timeless stories, it attracts many interpreters with a desire to fascinate the audience, to make it gasp with astonishment. This time, that «wow» is ensured by an enchanting magician of the choreographic world, Jeroen Verbruggen, whose brilliant, untrammeled, explosive imagination produces something truly spectacular. He’s generous in everything — in the luxury of texture and style, in triumphant joy, lyrical tenderness and fascinating mysticism. It’s impossible not to be moved by his creativity or charmed by such a familiar and yet surprisingly new story.

This Nutcracker is a world of endless reflections, fairy-tale immersion and unbelievable transformations. A world of countless doors, enigmatic gray animals and fragile baroque lanterns. Marius Petipa, whose bicentenary happens to be in 2018, would be proud of his successor, a real

From dance to costumes and decoration, this Nutcracker happily translates the synthese of Tchaïkovski's choreografical aestetics.

Le Courrier

A wind of madness crosses the plateau and this fantastic climate reminds some plays by Mark Morris, or the Tim Burton universe.

Ballet 2000


Ballet in 2 acts

Choreography: Jeroen Verbruggen
Music: Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Scenography and costumes: Livia Stoianova, Yassen Samouilov
Light: Ben Ormerod

Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève

General Director: Tobias Richter
Ballet Director: Philippe Cohen
Deputy director and stage manager: Vitorio Casarin
Administrative coordinator: Emilie Schaffter
Ballet masters: Grant Aris, Grégory Deltenre
Pianist: Serafima Demianova
Technical director: Philippe Duvauchelle
Lighting supervisor: Alexandre Bryand
Stage supervisors: Jean-Marc Pinget
Wardrobe ladies: Caroline Bault, France Durel

Performed by:

Marie – Yumi Aizawa
Prince – Zachary Clark
Drosselmeier – Simone Repele
The King of the rats – Javier Juyon
The queen, the princess, the rats, the young couples:
Céline Allain, Louise Bille, Ornella Capece Diana Duarte, Léa Mercurol, Tiffany Pacheco, Mohana Rapin, Sara Shigenari Lysandra van Heesewijk, Madeline Wong. Valentino Bertolini, Natan Bouzy, Armando Gonzalez Besa, Xavier Juyon, Nathanaël Marie, Juan Perez Cardona, Sasha Riva, Geoffrey Van Dyck, Nahuel Vega./p>

World Premiere: November 13, 2014, Grand Théâtre de Genève
Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes with one intermission

Season partner: PRO HELVETIA

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