Choreography: Paul Lightfoot and Sol León, Marko Goecke
Music: Philip Glass, Patti Smith, Keith Jarrett

Alexandrinsky Theatre

April 21-22, 2017


Choreography: Paul Lightfoot and Sol León
Music: Philip Glass

TShoot the Moon revolves around a higher level of expression in relationships. It is about the one thing that can create or change it: the emotions hidden inside. Revolving walls with striking black-and-white wallpaper create three separate rooms, each containing its own love story. The door to the other room always seems to be open and through the window a new world beckons.

TShoot the Moon earned León and Lightfoot the Swan Award, the most important Dutch dance prize, for best dance production 2005/2006. “Lightfoot León demonstrate how powerfully and subtly a good choreography and good dance can communicate”. VSCD Dance Jury.

World Premiere: 27 Аpril 2006, Lucent Danstheater, Den Haag

Lightfoot and León use their ingredients for success as of old: beautiful lyrical movements alternated with spasmodic slapstick tics as an expression of internal madness, and black-and-white film on which the stories are doubled, mirrored and complemented. In Shoot the Moon you can immerse yourself magnificently and be amazed time and again about these unearthly good dancers.

NRC Handelsblad 2006

There is an overwhelming sense of sadness in the company’s final piece Shoot the Moon which uses video screens, walls, a window and doors from which dancers emerge, exit and perform.

The Daily Telegraph Sydney


Choreography: Paul Lightfoot and Sol León
Music: Philip Glass

Silent Screen by NDT house choreographers Sol León and Paul Lightfoot can be seen as the epitome of a transdisciplinary performance where dance, theatre, film and music effortlessly come together to melt into a painterly Gesamtkunstwerk.

Large screens offer a lively background of images that flow into each other as if in a dream. For 45 breathtaking minutes, Silent Screen shuttles between pure stillness and utter panic, reinforced by Philip Glass’ familiar cinematic music Glassworks.

World Premiere: 28 Аpril 2005, Lucent Danstheater, Den Haag

…Silent Screen is a rare compelling ballet in which all characteristic León & Lightfoot ingredients are combined into...well, call it an “insurmountable piece of art”… This masterpiece will inevitably touch your soul.

Trouw 2005

Silent screen is by far the longest work by the duo, and probably the most beautiful and captivating the two have created in their already richly stocked oeuvre.

De Telegraaf 2005

This opening scene contains all the ingredients which make the entire ballet so gripping. Besides the ingenious melting together of dance with a film screen image is the mysterious mood which is implicitly summoned up.

NRC Handelsblad 2005

Beautiful people, dressed in beautiful costumes, dance in such a beautiful and moving way that the dances become purposeful and revealing, open to whatever interpretation one desires. …an eclectic blend of dance, image and music where it’s you who tells the story.

The Herald 2006


Choreography: Marko Goecke
Dramatist: Nadja Kadel
Music: Patti Smith and Keith Jarrett

Thin Skin is a homage to the punk rock icon and poet Patti Smith. The singer’s rhythmically elaborate, sometimes breathless-sounding lyrics form a visually and acoustically powerful synthesis with Goecke’s very particular frenetic language of movement. “Mind is a picture. And there in the corner is the hint of a spiral. Perhaps it is a virus; perhaps it is a spirit tatoo”, writes Smith, and Goecke’s dancers, whose skin is covered in countless tatoos, create dream worlds that are permanently changing. The dance remains elusive, but it gets under the skin, the skin of the thin-skinned.

World Premiere: 28 Januari 2015, Lucent Danstheater, Den Haag

Original, dynamic and stunningly his own.

Volkskrant 2015

Subcutaneous doomsday is never far away in Smith’s music. The hectic, angular movements in the jargon of Goecke, which are characterized by particularly abrupt changes, fill that ominous atmosphere remarkably well.

De Telegraaf 2015

Goeckes force is going against force.

Trouw 2015

The world premiere ‘Thin Skin’ initially makes you itch; dancers are like praying mantis, moving fast in thousands of variations. But it's also dance that comes close to all the intangibility that defines humanity.

Trouw 2015

The beautifully performed duet by Jorge Nozal and Meng-Ke Wu, is the final duet for good reason. As in the songs by Smith there are no answers, however there doubt and life 'like a boomerang, keep comin' back.

Trouw 2015

Total duration: 2 hours 25 minutes with two intermissions

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