Alexandrinsky Theatre

April 19-20, 2013

In 2013 Dance Open expands its program: together with traditional Ballet Galas the audiences will have an opportunity to see ballets performed by three different ballet companies.

Night of One-Act Ballets includes intriguing and controversial productions by the choreographers who are in the limelight and followed by ballet critics and media from all over the world.


Choreography: Edward Clug

In May 2013 there will be celebrated the 100th anniversary of the premiere of Stravinsky’s ballet The Rite of Spring choreographed by Vaslav Nijinsky. One cannot but admit that its premiere night in Paris was a complete failure, but today it is one of the most popular ballets in the world. A lot of choreographic versions of The Rite of Spring appeared due to great interest to Nijinsky’s art. Different choreographers of the XX century — from Martha Graham to Pina Bausch made its production. Genius music by Stravinsky still inspires the creation of original, authentic and sometimes surprising productions. Sacre du Printemps by Edward Clug will become one of the very peculiar premieres in Russia.

Being widely renowned and well recognized abroad Edward Clug became famous in Russia not long ago. It happened mostly thanks to the ballet Quatro and the ballet Radio and Juliet (Radiohead music), which premieres were a great success.

Sacre du Printemps which premiere took place last year was produced especially for the company of Slovene National Theatre Maribor (SNG Maribor). Edward Clug has been the head of the company for more than 10 years. During this time the company has become one of the leading contemporary ballet companies in Europe.

Powerful energy, perfect plasticity, thorough attention to music, ambitious composition, elements of symbolism and metaphors, surprising costumes, extraordinary interpretation of roles of man and woman in dance — all these features are key qualities of Clug’s choreography, and they make the ballet Sacre du Printemps breathtaking and ultramodern.


Choreography: Jacopo Godani

One more example of contemporary choreography, converting eternal classical traditions. This ballet is a bright dynamic show with emotional plasticity, interesting reading of corps de ballet and with original music by German experimental electro acoustic band 48nord. The choreographer is a young Italian Jacopo Godani. He used to be the soloist of the Frankfurt Ballet, the company of William Forsythe, one of the representatives of modern art forms in ballet. Forsythe’s art has undoubtedly influenced Godani. His ballet Spazio-Tempo shows individual bright personal hand of the choreographer – imaginative approach to the plot and dramatic concept, wonderful choreography, interesting light design.

The breathtaking ballet show together with highly-professional level of performing will definitely impress the audiences.

Semperoper Ballett Dresden has been the center of fine professionals in ballet art for about a century. Due to up-to-date repertoire and excellent soloists from different countries the company of Semperoper Dresden Ballet brings world ballet to absolutely new level. One could get an evidence of this by attending the ballet Spazio-Tempo created by Jacopo Godani, specifically for the soloists of Semperoper Dresden Ballet.

People are used to do some things automatically in their lives... That is why it is so important to give up the habit and widen our minds… Not the muscles have to control your dance, but the mind. This is probably what makes an artistic approach different from just sport.

Jacopo Godani, from interview


Choreography: Yuri Possokhov

The Festival Dance Open ensures that even the ballet neophytes will watch the ballet with pleasure and would like to see it several times! Breathtaking, technical, humorous… Even if you are not a ballet devotee, you will not remain indifferent. Choreorgapher Yuri Possokhov used Prokofiev music for its choreographies several times. And he came to this music again. The Classical Symphony is one of the first compositions of neo-classical style by Prokofiev. Combination of contemporary harmonious language, Prokofiev theatricality and music text in style of Haydn and Mozart perfectly suited for realization of Possokhov’s idea. As a result he created a plotless one-act ballet with the original choreography including classical pas, pirouettes and fouettes, and full of wonderful lightness and elegant smoothness.

Bewitching performance.


Classical Symphony by Prokofiev choreographed Yuri Posokhov is an example of how contemporary could be the language of classical ballet in the 21st century.

Anna Gordeeva. Moskovskie novosti
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