The man who can make hard things easy is the educator
The happiest moment as a teacher is to see how his students dance on the stage
What are the basic requirements for a young ballet artist of nowadays? A talent. A patience. A diligence. And, to ensure that these precious skills and efforts would not pass in vain, one should be very fortunate in finding one's special, the only teacher.
The task of a coach is to help his student to focus on the most essential things. On this "pas" today, and on that one tomorrow, each time a bit more complicated. The mastery of a ballet teacher starts with the competence in classical dance where each lesson peruses a one specific purpose, idea or movement.
Dance Open invites to lead the master classes the standard-bearers of ballet pedagogy as well as actual ballet stars. Those who share an irresistible passion for the choreographic art. Even a brief acquaintance with such enthusiasts is able to give rise to a spark of creativity and a desire for perfection in the heart of a child. One thing is certain: a shaping factor for each dancer’s development is the individuality of the Master.
All teachers working with Dance Open are exactly such persons. All of them are Personalities. Enthusiasts. Professionals.